Explore the Career Launch Lessons & Resources
Equip your young adults (16+) for career launch with this 16-lesson series designed to complement the new Hats & Ladders platform. Each lesson includes an in-app learning experience and hands-on workshop activity, providing a comprehensive toolkit for career development.
Lesson Plans by Topic
New lesson plans are available for each Career Climb topic, making it easy to facilitate blended learning with or without the use of the Hats & Ladders app. Select a lesson below to explore!
Power Skills
Getting the Job
Money Skills
Workplace Readiness
Each lesson plan includes clear objectives, step-by-step instructions, materials needed, and exemplars to evaluate student learning.
Implementation Guidance
Below is a scope and sequence and two sample planning calendars to support your Hats & Ladders implementation.
- Career Launch Scope and Sequence
- Planning Your Career Launch Implementation
- Two Week Work Readiness Training Planning Calendar
- Ten Week Work Readiness Training Planning Calendar
This sequence is flexible and can be adjusted based on your participant’ needs and schedule.
Next Steps
By leveraging these resources, you’ll be able to facilitate an implementation of Hats & Ladders that follows best practices, equipping your students with the skills and confidence they need to thrive.